Source code for isshub.domain.utils.repository

"""Package defining bases for domain repositories."""

import abc
from inspect import isabstract
from typing import Any, Generic, Optional, Set, Type, TypeVar
from uuid import UUID

from isshub.domain.utils.entity import BaseEntityWithIdentifier

Entity = TypeVar("Entity", bound=BaseEntityWithIdentifier)

[docs]class RepositoryException(Exception): """Exception raised in a repository context. Attributes ---------- repository: Optional[Type[AbstractRepository]] An optional repository attached to the exception or the exception class. """ repository: Optional[Type["AbstractRepository"]] = None def __init__( self, message: str, repository: Optional[Type["AbstractRepository"]] = None, ) -> None: """Create the exception with a repository and formatted message. Parameters ---------- message : str The message of the exception. Will be prefixed by the name of the repository and its entity class. repository : Optional[Type[AbstractRepository]] The repository (class) having raised the exception. To get the related entity class, use ``the_exception.repository.entity_class``. """ if repository: self.repository = repository if self.repository is not None: entity_name = "" if self.repository.entity_class is not None: entity_name = f"[{self.repository.entity_class.__name__}]" message = f"{self.repository.__name__}{entity_name}: {message}" super().__init__(message)
[docs]class UniquenessError(RepositoryException): """Exception raised when an entity is added/updated that already exists."""
[docs]class NotFoundError(RepositoryException): """Exception raised when an entity couldn't be found in its repository."""
[docs]class AbstractRepository(abc.ABC, Generic[Entity]): """Base of all repositories. Attributes ---------- entity_class : Optional[Type[Entity]] The entity class the repository is designed for. Passed as a named argument while defining the class. NotFoundError : Type["NotFoundError"] Local version of the :obj:`NotFoundError` exception, bound to the current repository. UniquenessError : Type["UniquenessError"] Local version of the :obj:`UniquenessError` exception, bound to the current repository. """ entity_class: Optional[Type[Entity]] = None NotFoundError: Type[NotFoundError] UniquenessError: Type[UniquenessError] def __init_subclass__( cls, abstract: bool = False, entity_class: Optional[Type[Entity]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize the subclass for the given `entity_class`, if the subclass is not abstract. Parameters ---------- abstract : bool If ``False``, the default, the `entity_class` is mandatory, else it's ignored. entity_class : Optional[Type[Entity]] The entity class the repository is designed for. kwargs : Any Other arguments passed to ``super().__init_subclass__`` Raises ------ TypeError If the class is a concrete subclass and `entity_class` is not given or not present on one of its parent classes. """ super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # type: ignore if entity_class is None: for klass in cls.mro(): if issubclass(klass, AbstractRepository) and klass.entity_class: entity_class = klass.entity_class break if entity_class is None: if not (isabstract(cls) or abstract): raise TypeError( f"`entity_class` is required for non abstract repository {cls}" ) else: cls.entity_class = entity_class cls.NotFoundError = type("NotFoundError", (NotFoundError,), {"repository": cls}) cls.UniquenessError = type( "UniquenessError", (UniquenessError,), {"repository": cls} )
[docs] def exists(self, identifier: UUID) -> bool: """Tell if an entity with the given identifier exists in the repository. Parameters ---------- identifier : UUID The UUID to check for in the repository Returns ------- bool ``True`` if an entity with the given UUID exists. ``False`` otherwise. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add(self, entity: Entity) -> Entity: """Add the given `entity` in the repository. Parameters ---------- entity : Entity The entity to add to the repository Returns ------- Entity The added entity """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get(self, identifier: UUID) -> Entity: """Get an entity by its `identifier`. Parameters ---------- identifier : UUID The identifier of the wanted entity Returns ------- Entity The wanted entity Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found with the given `identifier` """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update(self, entity: Entity) -> Entity: """Update the given entity in the repository. Parameters ---------- entity : Entity The entity to updated in the repository. It must already exist. Returns ------- Entity The updated entity Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found matching the given one """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, entity: Entity) -> None: """Delete the given `entity` from the repository. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.delete`. Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found matching the given one """
[docs]class AbstractInMemoryRepository(AbstractRepository[Entity], abstract=True): """Repository to handle entities in memory. Notes ----- The class is created with ``abstract=True`` because as all methods from the :obj:`AbstractRepository` are defined, it is not viewed as abstract by ``inspect.isabstract``. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the repository with an empty collection (a set).""" self._collection: Set[Entity] = set() super().__init__()
[docs] def exists(self, identifier: UUID) -> bool: """Tell if an entity with the given identifier exists in the repository. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.exists`. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if an entity with the given UUID exists. ``False`` otherwise. """ return any( entity for entity in self._collection if entity.identifier == identifier )
[docs] def add(self, entity: Entity) -> Entity: """Add the given `entity` in the repository. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.add`. Notes ----- The `entity` will be validated before being saved. Returns ------- Entity The added entity Raises ------ self.UniquenessError If an entity with the same identifier as the given one already exists. """ entity.validate() if self.exists(entity.identifier): raise self.UniquenessError( f"One already exists with identifier={entity.identifier}" ) self._collection.add(entity) return entity
[docs] def get(self, identifier: UUID) -> Entity: """Get an entity by its `identifier`. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.get`. Returns ------- Entity The wanted entity Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found with the given `identifier` """ try: return [ entity for entity in self._collection if entity.identifier == identifier ][0] except IndexError as exception: raise self.NotFoundError( f"Unable to find one with identifier={identifier}" ) from exception
[docs] def update(self, entity: Entity) -> Entity: """Update the given entity in the repository. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.update`. Notes ----- The `entity` will be validated before being saved. Returns ------- Entity The updated entity Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found matching the given one """ entity.validate() self.delete(entity) return self.add(entity)
[docs] def delete(self, entity: Entity) -> None: """Delete the given `entity` from the repository. For the parameters, see :obj:`AbstractRepository.delete`. Raises ------ self.NotFoundError If no entity was found matching the given one """ entity = self.get(entity.identifier) self._collection.remove(entity)