docs(git): Add git commits to documentation



This commit adds all the commits into the generated documentation.


As stated previously, “commits are as much important as code”. And now that we have all commits following the same template with informative descriptions, we can have them all in the documentation to have the history of the project documented.


The choice was made to generate RST from commits infos, instead of directly generated documentation page in html, or creating “rst python code”.

Se the generated files are readable even outside of the html build.

The RST is constructed via simple templates, and GIT is read via pydriller + gitpython.

The generated files includes: - all branches - all tags - all commits with diffs + links to parent commits and children - all files with their history

The GIT documentation is included in the internal parts of the full documentation.





2019-06-03 13:54:59 +0200

  • style(git): Force format of git commit messages [4467a1f6]2019-06-03 13:54:59 +0200

  • docs(git): Explain that git-flow will be used [a0569dde]2019-06-03 13:54:59 +0200


(No tags)






+1 -1

@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ doc:  clean-doc ## Build the documentation
 clean-docs: clean-doc  # we allow "clean-doc" and "clean-docs"
 clean-doc:  ## Clean the documentation directories
     @echo "$(BOLD)Cleaning documentation directories$(RESET)"
-    @rm -rf docs/source
+    @rm -rf docs/source docs/git
     @cd docs && $(MAKE) clean

 .PHONY: tests test





+5 -1

@@ -232,8 +232,11 @@ To build the documentation locally, simply run::

   make docs

+The documentation will be available at `<>`_ and will contain everything, including the current document, the documented source code, and every commit.

-The documentation will be available at `<>`_ and will contain everything, including the current document and the documented source code.
+**Every commit?**
+Yes, as will see later in this document, each commit will have a detailed description about the why and the how things are done, so in my opinion, it's like documentation about the process of development. This will be done via `PyDriller <>`_.

@@ -289,6 +292,7 @@ To check if the last commit is valid, you can run::

 If you want to validate an other commit message than the last one, check `ci/ -h`

+The commits are so important to me that they will be available in the "Internals" part of the documentation in a easily browsable way.






+55 -0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l3.current li.toctree-l4>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l4.current li.toctree-l5>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l5.current li.toctree-l6>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l6.current li.toctree-l7>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l7.current li.toctree-l8>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l8.current li.toctree-l9>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l9.current li.toctree-l10>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l10.current li.toctree-l11>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l11.current li.toctree-l12>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l12.current li.toctree-l13>ul {
+    display: none
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l3.current li.toctree-l4.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l4.current li.toctree-l5.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l5.current li.toctree-l6.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l6.current li.toctree-l7.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l7.current li.toctree-l8.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l8.current li.toctree-l9.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l9.current li.toctree-l10.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l10.current li.toctree-l11.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l11.current li.toctree-l12.current>ul,
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l12.current li.toctree-l13.current>ul {
+    display: block
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l4.current li[class*="toctree-l"]>a{
+    padding: .4045em 5.663em;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l5>a{
+    padding-left: 6.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l6>a{
+    padding-left: 7.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l7>a{
+    padding-left: 8.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l8>a{
+    padding-left: 9.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l9>a{
+    padding-left: 10.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l10>a{
+    padding-left: 11.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l11>a{
+    padding-left: 12.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l12>a{
+    padding-left: 13.663em !important;
+.wy-menu-vertical li.toctree-l13>a{
+    padding-left: 14.663em !important;





+35 -0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+$(function() {
+    // handle "current toctree" for all levels
+    var win = $(window);
+    win.on('hashchange', reset);
+    function reset() {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+            var anchor = encodeURI(window.location.hash) || '#';
+            try {
+                var vmenu = $('.wy-menu-vertical');
+                var link = vmenu.find('[href="' + anchor + '"]');
+                if (link.length === 0) {
+                    var id_elt = $('.document [id="' + anchor.substring(1) + '"]');
+                    var closest_section = id_elt.closest('div.section');
+                    link = vmenu.find('[href="#' + closest_section.attr("id") + '"]');
+                    if (link.length === 0) {
+                        link = vmenu.find('[href="#"]');
+                    }
+                }
+                if (link.length > 0) {
+                    link.parents('li[class*="toctree-l"]').addClass('current');
+                    link[0].scrollIntoView();
+                }
+            } catch (err) {
+                console.log("Error expanding nav for anchor", err);
+            }
+        }, 100);
+    }
+    // mark current the actual current toctree node if not opened
+    setTimeout(function() {
+        var link = $('li[class*="toctree-l"]:not(.current) > a.reference.internal.current');
+        if (link.length > 0) {
+            link.parents('li[class*="toctree-l"]').addClass('current');
+        }
+    }, 100);





+11 -0

@@ -121,3 +121,14 @@ def run_apidoc(_):
 def setup(app):
     # Run apidoc
     app.connect("builder-inited", run_apidoc)
+    # Add custom css/js for rtd template
+    app.add_css_file("css/custom.css")
+    app.add_js_file("js/custom.js")
+    # Add git content into doc
+    current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+        [
+            os.path.join(current_dir, ""),
+            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(current_dir, "..")),
+        ]
+    )





+1075 -0

@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from collections import defaultdict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from functools import partial
+import rstcheck
+from cached_property import cached_property
+from git.objects.util import from_timestamp
+from pydriller import RepositoryMining as RepositoryMiningBase
+from pydriller.git_repository import GitRepository as GitRepositoryBase
+DOC_DIRNAME = "git"
+BASEPATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), DOC_DIRNAME)
+REMOVED = " (removed)"
+    "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME": "git-to-sphinx",
+    "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME": "git-to-sphinx",
+    "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL": "",
+def override_environ(**env):
+    original_env = {key: os.getenv(key) for key in env}
+    os.environ.update(env)
+    try:
+        yield
+    finally:
+        for key, value in original_env.items():
+            if value is None:
+                del os.environ[key]
+            else:
+                os.environ[key] = value
+def slugify(text):
+    text = text.lower()
+    for c in slugify.to_underscore:
+        text = text.replace(c, "_")
+    text = slugify.re_W.sub("", text).replace("_", " ")
+    return slugify.re_s.sub(" ", text).strip().replace(" ", "-")
+slugify.to_underscore = [" ", "-", ".", "/"]
+slugify.re_W = re.compile(r"\W")
+slugify.re_s = re.compile(r"\s+")
+def escape_path(path):
+    if path.endswith(".rst"):
+        path += "_"
+    return path
+def escape_subject(text):
+    for what, how in escape_subject.replacements:
+        text = text.replace(what, how)
+    return text
+escape_subject.replacements = [("*", r"\*"), ("_", r"\_")]
+def path_in_tree(path, tree, allow_root=True):
+    if allow_root and (not path or path == "/"):
+        return True
+    return path in tree
+    "ADD": "Added",
+    "COPY": "Copied",
+    "RENAME": "Renamed",
+    "DELETE": "Deleted",
+    "MODIFY": "Modified",
+    "UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
+class GitRepository(GitRepositoryBase):
+    @cached_property
+    def git(self):
+        return super().git
+    def _discover_main_branch(self, repo):
+        if repo.head.is_detached:
+            for branch in repo.branches:
+                if branch.commit.hexsha == repo.head.commit.hexsha:
+                    self.main_branch =
+        else:
+            super()._discover_main_branch(repo)
+    @cached_property
+    def repo(self):
+        return super().repo
+    def get_list_tags(self, reverse_order=False):
+        for tag in sorted(
+            self.repo.tags,
+            key=lambda t: t.commit.committed_datetime,
+            reverse=not reverse_order,
+        ):
+            yield tag
+    def get_list_branches(self, reverse_order=False):
+        for branch in sorted(
+            self.repo.branches,
+            key=lambda t: t.commit.committed_datetime,
+            reverse=not reverse_order,
+        ):
+            yield branch
+    def get_list_commits(self, branch=None, reverse_order=False):
+        return super().get_list_commits(branch=branch, reverse_order=reverse_order)
+    def get_list_tree(self, node, parent_path=""):
+        for child in node:
+            path = os.path.join(parent_path,
+            yield (child, path)
+            if child.type == "tree":
+                yield from self.get_list_tree(child, path)
+    def get_flat_tree(self):
+        yield from self.get_list_tree(self.get_head()._c_object.tree)
+class RepositoryMining(RepositoryMiningBase):
+    def _sanity_check_repos(self, path_to_repo):
+        if not isinstance(path_to_repo, str):
+            raise Exception("The path to the repo has to be of type 'string'")
+    def get_git_repo(self):
+        path_repo = self._path_to_repo
+        if self._isremote(path_repo):
+            # save in `self` to avoid premature destruction of the tmp directory
+            self.tmp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+            path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(, path_repo)
+        git_repo = GitRepository(path_repo)
+        # we need to fetch all branches:
+        repo = git_repo.repo
+        # get remote branches not fetched yet
+        existing_branches = {
+   branch.commit.hexsha for branch in repo.branches
+        }
+        remote_branches = {}
+        for ref_info in repo.remote("origin").fetch():
+            local_ref_name ="/", 1)[1]
+            if ref_info.commit.hexsha != existing_branches.get(local_ref_name):
+                remote_branches[local_ref_name] =
+        if remote_branches:
+            # save the current head
+            head_detached = repo.head.is_detached
+            if head_detached:
+                current_ref = repo.head.commit
+            else:
+                current_ref = repo.head.ref
+            # stash existing updates if needed
+            with override_environ(**GIT_ENVIRON):
+                stashed = "No local changes to save" not in repo.git.stash("save", "-u")
+            # fetch remote branches not fetched yet
+            for local_branch_name, remote_branch_name in remote_branches.items():
+                repo.git.checkout("-B", local_branch_name, remote_branch_name)
+            # restore previous head
+            if head_detached:
+                repo.git.checkout(current_ref.hexsha)
+            else:
+                current_ref.checkout()
+            # and restore previous updates
+            if stashed:
+                with override_environ(**GIT_ENVIRON):
+                    repo.git.stash("pop")
+        # get the branch from the head now that we are sure we have all branches
+        git_repo._discover_main_branch(repo)
+        return git_repo
+    def __init__(self, path_to_repo):
+        super().__init__(path_to_repo=path_to_repo, reversed_order=True)
+        self.git_repo = self.get_git_repo()
+    def traverse_tags(self):
+        for tag in self.git_repo.get_list_tags(reverse_order=not self._reversed_order):
+            yield tag
+    def traverse_branches(self):
+        for branch in self.git_repo.get_list_branches(
+            reverse_order=not self._reversed_order
+        ):
+            yield branch
+    def traverse_commits(self, revision=None):
+        for commit in self.git_repo.get_list_commits(
+            branch=revision, reverse_order=not self._reversed_order
+        ):
+            yield commit
+    def traverse_tree(self):
+        yield from self.git_repo.get_flat_tree()
+:doc:`{name} </{doc_dirname}/branches/{slug}>`{active}
+  {commit}
+:doc:`{name} </{doc_dirname}/tags/{slug}>`
+  {message}
+:doc:`{name} </{doc_dirname}/branches/{slug}>` {head}
+:doc:`{name} </{doc_dirname}/tags/{slug}>` {head}
+**{subject}** :doc:`[{short_hexsha}] </{doc_dirname}/commits/{hexsha}>` — *{at}*
+Git repository
+.. toctree::
+   Content <content/index>
+   branches/index
+   tags/index
+   commits/index
+.. toctree::
+   :hidden:
+{name} {active} </{doc_dirname}/branches/{slug}>
+.. toctree::
+   :hidden:
+{name} </{doc_dirname}/tags/{slug}>
+.. toctree::
+   :glob:
+   :hidden:
+   *
+.. note::
+   To see commits, pick a :doc:`branch </{doc_dirname}/branches/index>`
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 1
+   :local:
+   :backlinks: top
+  {commit_hexsha}
+  {commit_at}
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 1
+   :local:
+   :backlinks: top
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 1
+   :local:
+   :backlinks: top
+Parent directory
+    :doc:`{dirname}{parent_old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_dirname}index>`
+Last update
+   :ref:`{last_type} — {last_updated_at} <{path}-{last_commit_hash}>`
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 1
+   :local:
+   :backlinks: top
+.. toctree::
+   :hidden:
+- :doc:`{name}{old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}>`
+- :doc:`{name}/{old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}/index>`
+{name}{old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}>
+{name}/{old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}/index>
+.. include:: {description_path}
+.. note::
+   :doc:`View last source and history </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}>`
+  {type}
+  +{added} -{removed}
+.. _{current_path}-{commit_hash}:
+  Hash
+    :doc:`{commit_hash} </{doc_dirname}/commits/{commit_hash}>`
+  Date
+    {commit_at}
+  {type}
+  +{added} -{removed}
+.. code-block:: diff
+.. code-block::
+   :linenos:
+.. NOTE::
+   This is the active branch
+{keyword} path
+  :doc:`{path} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_path}>`
+def format_date(dt):
+    return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
+def split_commit_message(message):
+    parts = message.split("\n", 1)
+    return [parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 1 else ""]
+def short_hexsha(hexsha):
+    return str(hexsha)[:8]
+def indent(text, prefix):
+    return "\n".join(prefix + line for line in text.splitlines())
+def render_tag(tag):
+    try:
+        message = escape_subject(split_commit_message(tag.tag.message)[0])
+    except AttributeError:
+        message = "(no message)"
+    return TAG_TEMPLATE.format(
+        slug=slugify(,
+        commit=render_commit(tag.commit),
+        doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+        message="**{message}**  — *{at}*".format(
+            message=message or "",
+            at=format_date(
+                from_timestamp(tag.tag.tagged_date, tag.tag.tagger_tz_offset)
+            )
+            if hasattr(tag.tag, "tagged_date")
+            else "(no date)",
+        ),
+    )
+def render_branch(branch, active_branch_name):
+    return BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(
+        slug=slugify(,
+        commit=render_commit(branch.commit),
+        doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+        active=" [ACTIVE BRANCH]" if == active_branch_name else "",
+    )
+def render_branch_short(name, is_head):
+    if (name, is_head) not in render_branch_short.cache:
+        render_branch_short.cache[(name, is_head)] = BRANCH_TEMPLATE_SHORT.format(
+            name=name,
+            slug=slugify(name),
+            doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+            head=" (head)" if is_head else "",
+        )
+    return render_branch_short.cache[(name, is_head)]
+render_branch_short.cache = {}
+def render_tag_short(name, is_head):
+    if (name, is_head) not in render_tag_short.cache:
+        render_tag_short.cache[(name, is_head)] = TAG_TEMPLATE_SHORT.format(
+            name=name,
+            slug=slugify(name),
+            doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+            head=" (head)" if is_head else "",
+        )
+    return render_tag_short.cache[(name, is_head)]
+render_tag_short.cache = {}
+def render_commit(commit):
+    if commit.hexsha not in render_commit.cache:
+        render_commit.cache[commit.hexsha] = COMMIT_TEMPLATE.format(
+            at=format_date(commit.committed_datetime),
+            subject=escape_subject(split_commit_message(commit.message)[0]),
+            hexsha=commit.hexsha,
+            short_hexsha=short_hexsha(commit.hexsha),
+            doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+        )
+    return render_commit.cache[commit.hexsha]
+render_commit.cache = {}
+def render_index_pages(repo):
+    return {"index.rst": INDEX_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME)}
+def render_branches_pages(branches, active_branch_name):
+    rendered_branches = []
+    branch_links = []
+    for branch in branches:
+        rendered_branches.append(render_branch(branch, active_branch_name).strip())
+        branch_links.append(
+                doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+      ,
+                slug=slugify(,
+                active=" [ACTIVE]" if == active_branch_name else "",
+            ).strip()
+        )
+    return {
+        "branches/index.rst": BRANCHES_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+            branches="\n\n".join(rendered_branches),
+            branch_links=indent("\n".join(branch_links), "   "),
+        )
+    }
+def render_tags_pages(tags):
+    rendered_tags = []
+    tag_links = []
+    for tag in tags:
+        rendered_tags.append(render_tag(tag).strip())
+        tag_links.append(
+            TAG_TOCTREE_LINK_TEMPLATE.format(
+                doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,, slug=slugify(
+            ).strip()
+        )
+    return {
+        "tags/index.rst": TAGS_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+            tags="\n\n".join(rendered_tags),
+            tag_links=indent("\n".join(tag_links), "   "),
+        )
+    }
+def render_commits_pages(repo):
+    return {"commits/index.rst": COMMITS_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME)}
+def render_branch_pages(branch, commits, active_branch_name):
+    commits = "\n".join(render_commit(commit).strip() for commit in commits)
+    return {
+        f"branches/{slugify(}.rst": BRANCH_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+  ,
+            name_line="=" * len(,
+            commits=indent(commits, "- "),
+            active=BRANCH_IS_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE
+            if == active_branch_name
+            else "",
+        )
+    }
+def render_tag_pages(tag, commits):
+    commits = "\n".join(render_commit(commit).strip() for commit in commits)
+    try:
+        message = tag.tag.message.strip()
+    except AttributeError:
+        message = "(no message)"
+    return {
+        f"tags/{slugify(}.rst": TAG_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+  ,
+            name_line="=" * len(,
+            commits=indent(commits, "- "),
+            message=("::\n\n" + indent(message, "   ")) if message else "",
+        )
+    }
+def render_commit_pages(commit, children, branches, tags):
+    subject, description = split_commit_message(commit.msg)
+    subject = escape_subject(subject)
+    parents = "\n".join(
+        render_commit(parent).strip() for parent in commit._c_object.parents
+    )
+    children = "\n".join(render_commit(child._c_object).strip() for child in children)
+    branches = "\n".join(
+        render_branch_short(, commit.hash == branch.commit.hexsha).strip()
+        for branch in branches
+    )
+    tags = " • ".join(
+        render_tag_short(, commit.hash == tag.commit.hexsha).strip()
+        for tag in tags
+    )
+    modifications = "\n\n".join(
+        render_modification_for_path_in_commit(modification).strip()
+        for modification in commit.modifications
+    )
+    return {
+        f"commits/{commit.hash}.rst": COMMIT_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+            subject=subject,
+            subject_line="=" * len(subject),
+            description=render_commit_description(commit, description),
+            commit_hexsha=commit.hash,
+            commit_at=format_date(commit.committer_date),
+            parents=indent(parents, "  - ") if parents else "  (No parents)",
+            children=indent(children, "  - ") if children else "  (No children)",
+            branches=indent(branches, "  - ") if branches else "  (No branches)",
+            tags=indent(tags, "  ") if tags else "  (No tags)",
+            modifications=modifications,
+        ),
+        f"commits/descriptions/{commit.hash}": description,
+    }
+def render_file_pages(path, commits_and_modifications, current_tree):
+    commits_and_modifications = [
+        (commit, modification)
+        for commit, modification in commits_and_modifications
+        if not commit.merge
+    ]
+    modifications = "\n\n".join(
+        "\n"
+        + render_modification_for_commit_in_path(modification, commit, path).strip()
+        for commit, modification in commits_and_modifications
+    )
+    last_commit, last_modification = commits_and_modifications[0]
+    first_commit, first_modification = commits_and_modifications[-1]
+    basename = os.path.basename(path)
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+    suffixed_dirname = dirname + "/"
+    title = basename
+    if not path_in_tree(path, current_tree):
+        title += REMOVED
+    return {
+        f"content/{escape_path(path)}.rst": FILE_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+            path=path,
+            title=title,
+            title_line="=" * len(title),
+            dirname=suffixed_dirname,
+            escaped_dirname=escape_path(suffixed_dirname),
+            modifications=modifications,
+            source_code=SOURCE_CODE_TEMPLATE.format(
+                source_code=indent(last_modification.source_code, "   ")
+            )
+            if last_modification.source_code
+            else "(No source code)",
+            last_type=MODIFICATION_TYPES[],
+            last_updated_at=format_date(last_commit.committer_date),
+            last_commit_hash=last_commit.hash,
+            doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+            old_path=render_old_path(
+                first_modification.old_path, DOC_DIRNAME, keyword="Previous"
+            )
+            if first_modification.old_path and first_modification.old_path != path
+            else "",
+            new_path=render_new_path(last_modification.new_path, DOC_DIRNAME)
+            if last_modification.new_path and last_modification.new_path != path
+            else "",
+            parent_old="" if path_in_tree(dirname, current_tree) else REMOVED,
+        )
+    }
+def render_dir_pages(path, entries, current_tree):
+    is_removed = not path_in_tree(path, current_tree)
+    rendered_entries = []
+    entry_links = []
+    for entry, is_dir in sorted(
+        entries, key=lambda entry: (not entry[1], entry[0].lower())
+    ):
+        rendered_entry = render_dir_entry(entry, is_dir, path, current_tree, is_removed)
+        if rendered_entry:
+            rendered_entries.append(rendered_entry.strip())
+        entry_path = os.path.join(path, entry)
+        entry_links.append(
+            .format(
+                doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+                name=entry,
+                escaped_path=escape_path(entry_path),
+                old="" if path_in_tree(entry_path, current_tree) else REMOVED,
+            )
+            .strip()
+        )
+    basename = os.path.basename(path)
+    title = (basename + "/") if basename else "`/`"
+    if is_removed:
+        title += REMOVED
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+    suffixed_dirname = dirname + "/"
+    return {
+        f"content/{escape_path(path)}/index.rst": DIR_PAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
+            title=title,
+            title_line="=" * len(title),
+            parent_directory="Parent directory\n  :doc:`{dirname}{old} </{doc_dirname}/content/{escaped_dirname}index>`".format(
+                dirname=suffixed_dirname,
+                escaped_dirname=escape_path(suffixed_dirname),
+                doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+                old="" if path_in_tree(dirname, current_tree) else REMOVED,
+            )
+            if path
+            else "",
+            entries=indent("\n".join(rendered_entries), "  "),
+            entry_links=indent("\n".join(entry_links), "   "),
+        )
+    }
+def render_dir_entry(name, is_dir, parent_dir, current_tree, include_removed):
+    path = os.path.join(parent_dir, name)
+    is_removed = not path_in_tree(path, current_tree)
+    if is_removed and not include_removed:
+        return None
+    return (DIR_ENTRY_DIR_TEMPLATE if is_dir else DIR_ENTRY_FILE_TEMPLATE).format(
+        name=name,
+        escaped_path=escape_path(path),
+        doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+        old=REMOVED if is_removed else "",
+    )
+def render_commit_description(commit, description):
+    if not description:
+        return ""
+    kind = ""
+    if list(
+        rstcheck.check(
+            description, f"/{DOC_DIRNAME}/commits/descriptions/{commit.hash}"
+        )
+    ):
+        kind = "   :literal:\n"
+    return DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE.format(
+        description_path=f"descriptions/{commit.hash}", kind=kind
+    )
+def get_modification_paths(modification):
+    path = modification.new_path or modification.old_path
+    old_path = (
+        modification.old_path
+        if modification.new_path is not None
+        and modification.old_path is not None
+        and modification.new_path != modification.old_path
+        else None
+    )
+    return path, old_path
+def _render_changed_path(path, dirname, keyword):
+    return (
+        OTHER_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(
+            doc_dirname=dirname,
+            path=path,
+            keyword=keyword,
+            escaped_path=escape_path(path),
+        )
+        if path
+        else ""
+    )
+render_old_path = partial(_render_changed_path, keyword="Old")
+render_new_path = partial(_render_changed_path, keyword="New")
+def render_modification_for_path_in_commit(modification):
+    path, old_path = get_modification_paths(modification)
+        path=path,
+        path_line="=" * len(path),
+        escaped_path=escape_path(path),
+        type=MODIFICATION_TYPES[],
+        old_path=render_old_path(old_path, DOC_DIRNAME),
+        added=modification.added or 0,
+        removed=modification.removed or 0,
+        diff=MODIFICATION_DIFF_TEMPLATE.format(diff=indent(modification.diff, "   "))
+        if modification.diff
+        else "",
+        doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+    )
+def render_modification_for_commit_in_path(modification, commit, current_path):
+    path, old_path = get_modification_paths(modification)
+    subject = escape_subject(split_commit_message(commit.msg)[0])
+        current_path=current_path,
+        commit_subject=subject,
+        commit_subject_line="=" * len(subject),
+        commit_hash=commit.hash,
+        commit_at=format_date(commit.committer_date),
+        type=MODIFICATION_TYPES[],
+        old_path=render_old_path(old_path, DOC_DIRNAME)
+        if old_path and old_path != current_path
+        else "",
+        new_path=render_new_path(path, DOC_DIRNAME) if path != current_path else "",
+        added=modification.added or 0,
+        removed=modification.removed or 0,
+        diff=MODIFICATION_DIFF_TEMPLATE.format(diff=indent(modification.diff, "   "))
+        if modification.diff
+        else "",
+        doc_dirname=DOC_DIRNAME,
+    )
+def render_to_file(content, name, basepath=BASEPATH):
+    path = os.path.join(basepath, name)
+    dir = os.path.dirname(path)
+    if dir not in render_to_file.dirs_ok:
+        os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
+        render_to_file.dirs_ok.add(dir)
+    with open(path, "w") as fd:
+        fd.write(content)
+render_to_file.dirs_ok = set()
+def render_to_files(rendered_pages, basepath=BASEPATH):
+    for page_name, content in rendered_pages.items():
+        if content:
+            render_to_file(content, page_name, basepath)
+def render(location, basepath=BASEPATH, clean=True):
+    if clean:
+        shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH, ignore_errors=True)
+    print(f"\nGit to Sphinx: {location}...\n")
+    print("Reading repository...", end="")
+    repo = RepositoryMining(location)
+    print("\rReading repository [ok]")
+    print("Rendering indexes:")
+    print("  - branches...", end="")
+    branches = list(repo.traverse_branches())
+    render_to_files(
+        render_branches_pages(branches, repo.git_repo.main_branch), basepath=basepath
+    )
+    print("\r  - branches [ok]")
+    print("  - tags...", end="")
+    tags = list(repo.traverse_tags())
+    render_to_files(render_tags_pages(tags), basepath=basepath)
+    print("\r  - tags [ok]")
+    print("  - commits...", end="")
+    render_to_files(render_commits_pages(repo), basepath=basepath)
+    print("\r  - commits [ok]")
+    print("  - main...", end="")
+    render_to_files(render_index_pages(repo), basepath=basepath)
+    print("\r  - main [ok]")
+    print("Rendering branches:")
+    commits_branches = defaultdict(list)
+    for branch in branches:
+        print(f"  - {}...", end="")
+        commits = [branch.commit] + list(branch.commit.iter_parents())
+        render_to_files(
+            render_branch_pages(branch, commits, repo.git_repo.main_branch),
+            basepath=basepath,
+        )
+        for commit in commits:
+            commits_branches[commit.hexsha].append(branch)
+        print(f"\r  - {} [ok]")
+    print("Rendering tags:")
+    commits_tags = defaultdict(list)
+    for tag in tags:
+        print(f"  - {}...", end="")
+        commits = [tag.commit] + list(tag.commit.iter_parents())
+        render_to_files(render_tag_pages(tag, commits=commits), basepath=basepath)
+        for commit in commits:
+            commits_tags[commit.hexsha].append(tag)
+        print(f"\r  - {} [ok]")
+    print("Building commits trees...", end="")
+    children = defaultdict(list)
+    revisions = branches + tags
+    nb_revisions = len(revisions)
+    commits = {}
+    for index, revision in enumerate(revisions, 1):
+        print(f"\rBuilding commits trees [{index}/{nb_revisions}]", end="")
+        rev_commits = list(repo.traverse_commits(
+        for commit in rev_commits:
+            if commit.hash in commits:
+                break
+            commits[commit.hash] = commit
+            for parent_hash in commit.parents:
+                if commit.hash in children[parent_hash]:
+                    continue
+                children[parent_hash].append(commit.hash)
+    print("")
+    print("Rendering commits...", end="")
+    commits_by_file = defaultdict(list)
+    nb_commits = len(commits)
+    for index, (__, commit) in enumerate(commits.items(), 1):
+        print(f"\rRendering commits [{index}/{nb_commits}]", end="")
+        if (commit.hash not in commits_branches) and (commit.hash not in commits_tags):
+            # ignore commits not in branches or tags: they won't be rendered anywhere
+            continue
+        render_to_files(
+            render_commit_pages(
+                commit,
+                children=[commits[hash] for hash in children[commit.hash]],
+                branches=commits_branches.get(commit.hash) or [],
+                tags=commits_tags.get(commit.hash) or [],
+            ),
+            basepath=basepath,
+        )
+        for modification in commit.modifications:
+            if modification.new_path:
+                commits_by_file[modification.new_path].append((commit, modification))
+            if modification.old_path and modification.old_path != modification.new_path:
+                commits_by_file[modification.old_path].append((commit, modification))
+    print("")
+    print("Building content tree...", end="")
+    current_tree = {path: node for node, path in repo.traverse_tree()}
+    print("\rBuilding content tree [ok]")
+    print("Rendering files...", end="")
+    nb_files = len(commits_by_file)
+    dirs = defaultdict(set)
+    for index, path in enumerate(sorted(commits_by_file), 1):
+        print(f"\rRendering files [{index}/{nb_files}]", end="")
+        current, is_dir = path, False
+        while True:
+            dirname, basename = os.path.dirname(current), os.path.basename(current)
+            dirs[dirname].add((basename, is_dir))
+            if dirname:
+                current = dirname
+                is_dir = True
+            else:
+                break
+        render_to_files(
+            render_file_pages(path, commits_by_file[path], current_tree),
+            basepath=basepath,
+        )
+    print("")
+    print("Rendering dirs...", end="")
+    nb_dirs = len(dirs)
+    for index, dir in enumerate(sorted(dirs), 1):
+        print(f"\rRendering dirs [{index}/{nb_dirs}]", end="")
+        render_to_files(
+            render_dir_pages(dir, dirs[dir], current_tree), basepath=basepath
+        )
+    print(f"\n\nGit to Sphinx: {location} [ok]\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    assert len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1], "Missing location"
+    render(sys.argv[1])





+1 -0

@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ IssHub internals
 .. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

+   Git repository <git/index>
    Python modules <source/modules>





+4 -0

@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ lint=
 docs =
+    cached-property
+    pydriller
+    Pygments
+    rstcheck