ci: Make the CI do all checks for every commits



Make the CI run all checks (lint, tests, commit message) for all commits in a branch.


The state of the project after every commit must be a valid state: tests must pass. It is absolutely necessary when you want to find the source of a bug via git-bisect.

And enforcing the validity of the commit message must of course be done for every commit in a branch.


This is done by a new job in the circl-ci configuration that will call a bash script in ci/

This script will run make lint, make tests and make check-commit for every new commit starting from the branch starting point.

It will be done only once for a commit and the result will be stored in a GIST, and a “status” will be added, for each command, on the commit on the Github side.





2019-06-03 13:55:00 +0200

  • ci: Configuration for circle-ci [fcd2779c]2019-06-03 13:55:00 +0200

  • docs(rtd): Add configuration for [0ba93b9a]2019-06-03 13:55:00 +0200


(No tags)






+18 -0

@@ -154,6 +154,21 @@ jobs:
             source ~/venv/bin/activate
             make doc

+  # run check and tests for every commit in the history for which it is not already done
+  check_every_commit:
+    <<: *python_only_config
+    steps:
+      - *attach_workspace
+      - *restore_pip_cache
+      - type: shell
+        name: Install system dependencies
+        command: sudo apt-get update -qq -y && sudo apt-get install -y curl jq
+      - run:
+          name: Check every commits
+          command: |
+            source ~/venv/bin/activate
+            ci/
   # will build the python package, using the tag as the base version, suffixed with info from git describe if not a tag
     <<: *python_only_config
@@ -252,6 +267,9 @@ workflows:
       - build_doc:
             - install_code
+      - check_every_commit:
+          requires:
+            - install_code
       - build_python_package:
             - linter_mypy





+5 -1

@@ -294,6 +294,10 @@ If you want to validate an other commit message than the last one, check `ci/che

 The commits are so important to me that they will be available in the "Internals" part of the documentation in a easily browsable way.

+Another important thing is that, in my opinion, the state of the project after every commit must be a valid state: tests must pass. It is absolutely necessary when you want to find the source of a bug via `git-bisect`.
+This will be validated by the CI that will run all the CI jobs for all the commits, via the `ci/` script.
 Also, I'm a fan of `git-flow <>`_ and it (the `avh edition <>`_) will be used in this project, but adding the username in the branch name (easier to filter on if many users), so for example my own development branches will be prefixed by `features/twidi/`. (If branches from other people in pull requests do not follow this pattern, it will be done on my side)

 Continuous integration
@@ -301,7 +305,7 @@ Continuous integration

 All of these tools will be run via continuous integration, on `CircleCi <>`_.

-One status will be posted on Github for each job for every pull requests.
+One status will be posted on Github for each job for every pull requests.  In addition, every commit will also have a status, via the `check-every-commit` job.

 To access the list of jobs:





+325 -0

@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# A tool to check that every commit in the git history is valid
+# We decide if a commit is valid if one of this is true:
+# - it is managed by a continuous integration tool
+# - a list of "make" targets are all successfully run on this commit
+# For each commit where the make targets are executed, the script will post a status on Github.
+# And at the end, if at least one target failed, it will exit with the exit code "1" so it can be used by a CI
+# to mark the job as failed.
+# The result are stored on a Github gist, to avoid executing checks for a commit many times. So this should be fast,
+# depending on the number of new commits.
+# Invocation
+# ==========
+# GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN="sometoken" path/to/ci/
+# Requirements
+# ============
+# - git
+# - curl
+# - jq
+# Environment
+# ===========
+#     A token allowed to read/write commit statuses on the api for `GITHUB_REPOSITORY` and to read/write the
+#     Github gist defined by `GIST_ACCOUNT` and `GIST_ID`.
+#     If not defined, commit statuses won't be touched, and gist will only be read.
+# Configuration
+# =============
+# The following variable can be configured.
+#     The Github repository we are working on.
+#     The Github account used to host the gist file storing the commits already checked.
+#     If not defined, no gist will be read/written.
+# GIST_ID: str
+#     The Github identifier of the gist file.
+#     If not defined, no gist will be read/written.
+# CI: str
+#     The name of the used continuous integration tool. Will be used to check if a commit was already checked by the CI
+#     to avoid doing our checks on it. Use a single word that can be found in the statuses, like "circleci", "travis"...
+# TOOL_NAME: str
+#      The name of this tool as it will appear in the statuses.
+#     A string containing a space separated list of make targets we want to run on each commit.
+#     A boolean ("FALSE" or "TRUE") indicating if at the end we should post a status on Github for the actual git HEAD.
+#     Default to False.
+MAKE_TARGETS="lint test check-commit"
+# End of configuration
+if [ "${GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN}" ]
+    GITHUB_AUTH="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN}"
+PROJECT=$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d/ -f2)
+GIT_HEAD=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+post_status () {
+    # Will add/update a status on a Github commit
+    #
+    # Parameters
+    # ==========
+    # 1: str
+    #     The git SHA1 for for which we have a failure/success
+    # 2: str
+    #     The ``make`` target for which we want to add the status.
+    #     Can be "__all__" to note that it's a global status.
+    # 3: str
+    #     The status for this commit. Must be one of "failure" or "success"
+    # 4: str
+    #     String to add to the end of the description
+    if [ "${GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN}" ]
+    then
+        local GIT_SHA1="$1"
+        local TARGET="$2"
+        local STATUS="$3"
+        local DESC_EXT="$4"
+        local CONTEXT="${TOOL_NAME}/${TARGET}"
+        local DESC="'make ${TARGET}' for git rev ${GIT_SHA1}${DESC_EXT}"
+        if [ "${TARGET}" == "__all__" ]
+        then
+            local CONTEXT="${TOOL_NAME}"
+            local DESC="Commits history status: ${STATUS}${DESC_EXT}"
+        fi
+        curl -fs -H "${GITHUB_AUTH}"  "${GITHUB_API_REPO_ROOT}/statuses/${GIT_SHA1}" --data "{\"state\": \"${STATUS}\", \"context\": \"${CONTEXT}\", \"description\": \"${DESC}\"}" -o /dev/null
+    fi
+add_mark () {
+    # Add a mark in the local file for a commit
+    #
+    # Parameters
+    # ==========
+    # 1: str
+    #    The git SHA1 for which to add a mark
+    # 2: str
+    #    The name of the tool for which to add the mark. Must be one defined by `$CI` or `$TOOL_NAME`
+    # 3: str
+    #    The ``make`` target for which to add a mark. Only if $2 is the tool name.
+    # 4: str
+    #    The status for this mark. Must be one of "failure" or "success" or "skipped". Only if $2 is the tool name.
+    local GIT_SHA1="$1"
+    local TOOL_NAME="$2"
+    if [ "${TOOL_NAME}" == "${CI}" ]
+    then
+        echo "${GIT_SHA1}#${TOOL_NAME}" >> "${LOCAL_FILE}"
+    else
+        local TARGET="$3"
+        local STATUS="$4"
+        echo "${GIT_SHA1}#${TOOL_NAME}#${TARGET}#${STATUS}" >> "${LOCAL_FILE}"
+    fi
+echo ""
+echo "========="
+echo -e "${BOLD}Preparing${RESET}"
+echo "========="
+mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR}"
+# Get already done commits
+if [ "${GIST_ACCOUNT}${GIST_ID}" ]
+    curl -fs "${GIST_ACCOUNT}/${GIST_ID}/raw/${GIST_FILE}" | sort -u > "${LOCAL_FILE}"
+    # Set an empty file if we don't already have it
+    if [ ! -e "${LOCAL_FILE}" ]
+    then
+        echo "" > "${LOCAL_FILE}"
+    fi
+# Working on all commits, starting at the older one
+for GIT_SHA1 in $(git rev-list HEAD | tac)
+    # If commit already marked as managed by the CI, ignore it
+    if [ "$(grep "${GIT_SHA1}#${CI}" ${LOCAL_FILE})" ]
+    then
+        continue
+    fi
+    for TARGET in ${MAKE_TARGETS}
+    do
+        # Check if this target is already marked as failed in the local file
+        if [ "$(grep "${GIT_SHA1}#${TOOL_NAME}#${TARGET}#(error\|failure)" ${LOCAL_FILE})" ]
+        then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET} already marked as ${BOLD}${RED}failed${RESET} for target '${BOLD}make ${TARGET}${RESET}'"
+            FAILURES=$((FAILURES+1))
+            # Force update on github on this commit
+            post_status "${GIT_SHA1}" ${TARGET} "failure"
+        else
+            # We'll run the target if it's not already done
+            if [ ! "$(grep "${GIT_SHA1}#${TOOL_NAME}#${TARGET}#" "${LOCAL_FILE}")" ]
+            then
+                TARGETS_TO_DO="${TARGETS_TO_DO} ${TARGET}"
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    # We stop for this commit if we have no target to run
+    if [ ! "${TARGETS_TO_DO}" ]
+    then
+        continue
+    fi
+    # Get the github statuses for this commit if we don't already have it
+    STATUSES_FILE="${TMP_DIR}/${GIT_SHA1}.statuses"
+    if [ ! -e "${STATUSES_FILE}" ]  # Use an existing status file if we have it to speed up the script
+    then
+        curl -fs -H "${GITHUB_AUTH}" "${GITHUB_API_REPO_ROOT}/commits/${GIT_SHA1}/statuses" | jq -r  '.[] | "\(.state)# \(.context)"' > "${STATUSES_FILE}"
+    fi
+    # If the commit is already managed by the CI, bypass it and mark it as ok
+    if [ "$(grep "${CI}" "${STATUSES_FILE}")" ]
+    then
+        add_mark "${GIT_SHA1}" "${CI}"
+        continue
+    fi
+    # Now we can really work on the commit
+    # Read the commit description to print it
+    DESC=`git log --format=%B -n 1 ${GIT_SHA1} | head -n 1`
+    echo ""
+    echo "==============================================================================="
+    echo -e "${BOLD}Working on ${GIT_SHA1}${RESET}: ${DESC}"
+    echo "==============================================================================="
+    echo ""
+    echo "Preparing working directory..."
+    echo ""
+    # Go on the correct commit and install needed things
+    git checkout -q "${GIT_SHA1}"
+    make dev
+    for TARGET in ${TARGETS_TO_DO}
+    do
+        # Check if this commit can handle the target
+        make -n ${TARGET} &>/dev/null
+        if [ "$?" == "2" ]
+        then
+            # We mark the target for this commit as skipped to ignore it next time
+            add_mark "${GIT_SHA1}" "${TOOL_NAME}" "${TARGET}" "skipped"
+            continue
+        fi
+        # We run the target
+        echo ""
+        echo -e "Run '${BOLD}make ${TARGET}${RESET}' for ${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET}"
+        echo ""
+        make ${TARGET}
+        # Handle success/failure of the make target
+        if [ "$?" == "0" ]
+        then
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "'${BOLD}make ${TARGET}${RESET}' is a ${BOLD}${GREEN}success${RESET} for ${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET}"
+            echo ""
+            add_mark "${GIT_SHA1}" "${TOOL_NAME}" "${TARGET}" "success"
+            post_status "${GIT_SHA1}" ${TARGET} "success"
+        else
+            echo ""
+            echo -e "'${BOLD}make ${TARGET}${RESET}' is a ${BOLD}${RED}failure${RESET} for ${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET}"
+            echo ""
+            FAILURES=$((FAILURES+1))
+            add_mark "${GIT_SHA1}" "${TOOL_NAME}" "${TARGET}" "failure"
+            post_status "${GIT_SHA1}" ${TARGET} "failure"
+        fi
+    done
+    echo ""
+    if [ "${MAKE_FAILURES}" == "" ]
+    then
+        echo -e "${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET} ${BOLD}${GREEN}passed${RESET} all targets"
+    else
+        echo -e "${BOLD}${GIT_SHA1}${RESET} ${BOLD}${RED}failed${RESET} on: ${MAKE_FAILURES}"
+    fi
+echo ""
+echo "======="
+echo -e "${BOLD}SUMMARY${RESET}"
+echo "======="
+git checkout -q "${GIT_BRANCH}"
+if [ ${FAILURES} -eq 0 ]
+    echo ""
+    if [ "${POST_FINAL_STATUS}" == "TRUE" ]
+    then
+        post_status "${GIT_HEAD}" "__all__" "success"
+    fi
+    echo ""
+    echo -e "${BOLD}STATUS: ${RED}FAILURE${RESET} - ${FAILURES} failure(s)"
+    if [ "${POST_FINAL_STATUS}" == "TRUE" ]
+    then
+        post_status "${GIT_HEAD}" "__all__" "failure" " - ${FAILURES} failure(s)"
+    fi
+if [ "${GIST_ACCOUNT}${GIST_ID}" ]
+    # We can update the gist file with status for all commits (with "\n" for new lines)
+    GIST_CONTENT=$(cat "${LOCAL_FILE}" | awk '{ printf($0 "\\n") }')
+    curl -fs -H "${GITHUB_AUTH}" -X PATCH -d "{\"files\": {\"${GIST_FILE}\": {\"content\": \"${GIST_CONTENT}\"}}}" ${GITHUB_API_GIST_ROOT}/${GIST_ID} -o /dev/null
+exit ${EXIT_STATUS}